Saturday 5 July 2014

Chocolate Protein Crempogs; With a Strawberry & Vanilla Compote

It feels like a lifetime ago since I was last able to cook a decent meal and blog about it; actually it feels like forever since I was able to cook a decent meal; enjoy the meal; and also feel full after the meal. Now I remember why I chose to start eating a low carb, high fat diet last year; it’s because it satiates me more than eating high carb, which is how I’ve been eating for the last two weeks in order to get myself through the insanity workouts. Yes that’s right, I am being put through my paces by Shaun T and getting my butt kicked everyday; man those workouts are hard, but satisfying when you start to realise that your stronger than you think; well in my case anyway. Well, today is my rest day and I was taking this opportunity to kick the carbs for the weekend and resort back to eating low carb, high fat, and I just had to make these stunning crempogs.

Chocolate Protein Crempogs, with a Strawberry & Vanilla Compote
Now I know that my last post was crempogs but these are different; I experimented a little with the recipe and also added in some chocolate protein powder, because if it’s one thing I need with these insanity workouts; its protein. I also made a fresh, homemade Strawberry and Vanilla Compote to go with the crempogs and everything went together perfectly; even my sister loved them and thought they were delicious –which they were. 

Chocolate Protein Crempogs; With a Strawberry & Vanilla Compote
I was actually hoping to make this strawberry and vanilla compote with some home-grown strawberries from my garden, but sadly while they are doing better than they ever have, they’re still getting eaten by tiny worms and also the rain isn’t helping with rot – maybe next year. However; I have had a few strawberries from my patch, I'm just saving them for a rainy day. 

Homegrown Strawberries 
I think I have some way to go before I can make a jar of strawberry jam - eeek. 

Yield – 7 Pancakes
  • 25g Coconut Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • 15g Grass-fed Butter
  • 15g Chocolate Protein Powder
  • ¼ tsp Baking Soda
  • ¼ tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 60ml Whole Milk, or Full Cream Milk
  • ¼ tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Coconut Oil (or any oil)
  • A touch of Himalayan Salt

Before you start your crempogs you will need to make your buttermilk.

In a bowl pour out your milk and add the apple cider vinegar; stir the milk and then leave to stand until you need it.

In a blender or another separate bowl crack your eggs and beat, then add in your coconut flour and combine thoroughly; now you can add in some protein powder and again combine.

Warm your buttermilk either in a pan or microwave, for a few seconds – you will notice the curds have separated from the whey; this is buttermilk, now add in the butter and stir until the butter has melted. Add the bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and salt to your buttermilk and stir; the buttermilk will start to foam and look like egg whites.

You can now add your buttermilk to the coconut flour mixture and make sure everything is well combined; scraping the sides to make sure no mixture has stuck.

You should now have a nice smooth, chocolaty batter which is slightly thick; leave it for 5 minutes to thicken a little more and then start cooking the crempogs.

Ingredients – Strawberry & Vanilla Compote
  • 100g Strawberries
  • 1 tsp Honey
  • Vanilla Extract or Vanilla pods
Chop your strawberries and place them in a saucepan with enough water to just cover the fruit; the vanilla and honey; bring it all to a boil; and let them cook for a few minutes, when foam starts to reach the surface stir the fruit and reduce the heat – when the compote slides off the back of a spoon slowly and looks almost like jelly; it’s done.

Your pancakes and strawberry compote should be done around the same time, so plate up enjoy.

The Hungry Welsh Girl.